War of the Walls 2023

Camryn Clark, Reporter

Since 2008, the five MasterLubes in Billings and Laurel have held a competition called “War of the Walls”. Each of the five participating high schools (Central, Senior, Skyview, West, and Laurel) picks either a single senior or a group of students to paint their school’s MasterLube wall. Billings Central’s wall is on the downtown MasterLube located at 2650 4th Ave. North.

This year, the Billings Central class of 2023 picked their classmate Olivia Tourtlotte to paint the mural. “I came up with the design by trial and error. I kept drafting designs I thought would best encompass the Central sprit until I landed on the draft that is now on the wall,” said Tourtlotte. The painting depicts a white cross on a black background with the head of an enormous green ram in the center of the cross. “It took two and a half days with the help of my friends Andrea Gieser, Noelle Grudzinski, Jason Coleman, and my parents,” said Tourtlotte. After just two and a half days, she finished the wall. “I am very happy with the results,” she said.

Once all of the schools have completed their murals, the public was asked to vote for their favorite wall. After tallying the votes, Billings Central came out on top. Olivia Tourtlotte brought the 2023 “War of the Walls” trophy back to its rightful place.