Branching Out — The Central Environmental Club

Central’s Student Body prepares to help the environment with a new school year and new ideas.

Alex Johnson

Environmental Club President Quentin McEvoy and VP Hank Jagodsinski converse with members at meeting.

Alex Johnson, Reporter

No, it’s not just talking about trees…although there’s nothing wrong with that. The Central Environmental Club strives to do more: to act. This is the hope of many returning and incoming members.

The first meeting of the Environmental Club—hosted by Krista Cunningham, Central’s teacher for biology, human anatomy and physiology—was packed. Kids sat on the floor or on stools borrowed from the lab in addition to occupying the regular tables. As students ate lunch, a broad outline of the goals for the year was laid out as anticipation for projects to come pulsed through the classroom.

The Environmental Club, which meets Wednesdays at lunch, plans to implement four general goals. All of these goals aim to support the environment, expand students’ knowledge of environmental science, and engage Central’s student body in caring for nature.

Environmental Club members engage in a meeting. (Courtesy of Kari Adams)

Cunningham explained that these goals will be met through conservation and restoration projects, so that the planet can be maintained in a good condition. Additionally, citizen science projects will be an important facet of the club that will benefit the local community while enabling learning.

Outdoor adventure is also a priority; making sure to enjoy nature and appreciate it is a very important thing in Montana. Cunningham spoke on this matter, saying, “We can do outdoor education, but let’s do it in the context of going for a hike and make it fun.” Finally, another goal is environmental education to improve students understanding of how to care for our planet. The ultimate takeaway from this club is the mission to help preserve the planet and enjoy it.

Quentin McEvoy, the Environmental Club’s President, stated, “We have to take care of our planet. It’s our only home. It’s a great home, but in order to keep it that great home we have to do our part in taking care of it.”